'G A L L E R Y' (2014)
VITRINE Galerie. Weimar.

'Goool' (2014)
Shown at 'Do it yourself' exhibition. San José de Caracciolos. University of Alcalá (UAH) Alcalá de Henares


'Him' (2012)
Shown at '24ª Exposición Visual-Sonora - Ikus-Entzunezko Erakusketa UPV-EHU'. BBVA Foundation. Bilbao 2013.



'In your home'   (2012)
 Video installation, with modified photography, paintings and toys.  (1'64 x 2'03 x 2'10 m.)



'That majestic detail'   (2008)
Drawing-Installation with objects and garbage   (1'40 x 1'30 m.)